What do you do when you spill your liquid gold?

Third times the charm for this mama. My baby girl Brooklyn came out and immediately made her way to my breast to feed. I was so elated because not one of my other kids latched without a shield. Furthermore I have not breastfed with my other two.

Fast forward to the night. I’m pumping with my motif Luna breast pump and I’m excited because I’m finally getting 2 oz from each side.

I get up to go share this news with my husband. I come back and I’m met with the bottles on the floor. Yep, you guessed it, my breast milk – my literal liquid gold – spilled, all over the floor. I was absolutely devastated.

I cried so bad, and you know what they say… “no use in crying over spilled milk.” But you know what I say, bump them. Until you deal with engorged boobs and sore cracked nipples, I don’t want to hear it. I will cry and I will feel better afterwards because I can’t hold it in.

I will say, me as a first time mom would’ve definitely been yelling. I’m proud to say, this time around I just cried it out in my Husband’s arms. After that I went on with the rest of my night. I tried again the next night and went on with life.

I will say though, my husband’s support this time around has been a game changer. He knows how important this journey has been for me. He’s tried to find out who but of course no one knew, I appreciated his effort.

To all my Mama’s out there, cry it out and keep it moving! These moments happen but they don’t have to keep you down.

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